Thursday, 31 December 2009

Trivial But True

About Me

I am not keen on the same kind of retail outlets in most Australian shopping centres (we need variety and uniqueness!); individuals not communciating when they can - and should; global warming;  racists who dare not speak their mind but operate behind our backs; baggy jeans; people asking how are you but do not really want to know; the FOX News channel; sex tourists;  people without compassion; politicians who benefit themselves more than the voters who put them in the first place; vehicle drivers who belch exhaust and think they are cool; sludge snow; haughty persons; working too hard for nothing; hairy backs; loud mouthed women and men with attitude; cheap perfume (you can smell it!); individuals who take credit for things they did not do; double standards; plastic Christmas trees; people who stab you in the back (okay, not literally, and actually much worse); people who take you for granted; being singled out for extra security checks just for being an East Asian male, when I have not broached any thing required; team leaders who exclude you from celebrations and only include you for problems; restaurant owners who have three sesions an evening and restrict your dining time at the table; not being able to window shop after hours; and people who make a show of forgetting that you have treated them well.

and I love:
lying on my back and take in the view of clouds rolling by on a big blue canvas sky; looking at swimming goldfish; discovering budlings springing out of the moist soil; making the most out of a challenge; reading a book on a dark and stormy night; cooking with whatever I have in the kitchen while the rain pours outside; the blue of the ocean and sky; chatting with mates; discovering new places; re-arranging things; once in a while, being caught in a time warp with nothing planned; watering plants, wherever they are; celebrating festivals; surprising someone special, and more; getting out of the comfort zone and testing unnatural limits; sharing, doing and giving something without expecting anything in return; giving my time and resources to make someone happy or grow, when I do not need to: special individuals who do not say much but whom you know love you in the only way they can, under the circumstances; meeting pro-active leaders and operators, whether on an airflight or with a innovative acting guy or woman in retail anywhere; talking with individuals with experience (aka elderly people); talking with individuals who have fresh-eyed perspectives (aka youngsters); taking the less travelled road; spending time with family; being drawn into laughter by humorous mates; eating Mum's home cooked food; house parties; and getting things done.

1 comment:

Maroussia said...

It will be great to watch Dirty Dancing, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.

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