Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts

Monday, 26 August 2019

Still Thankful For

The grass has obviously dried up.Lamb prices have shot up, perhaps more than the costs of commercial child care, aged care and vet services.  Retail is not selling as much as before, the roads are more traffic congested and inflation as usual bites more in reality than as reported.Loading speeds for the internet are uncompetitive. Near monopolies exist for key service providers on many fronts in Australia. Public infrastructure has to be renewed.So what is going right?
1. There are more choices in supermarket products and prices.
2. There is more activity after dark in city centres and specific suburbs across Australia.
3. The sky is still blue and the beaches clean all over this vast island nation.
4. The variety of cuisines available in a country of such diverse populations is so unmatched.
5. The wisdom of our town planners cannot be under appreciated when they ensured green space, outdoor venues and public transport for our communities.
6. Medicare has sustained the quality of public health care for common ailments.
7. The right to express one's opinions is still enough, although challenges and threats have arisen in this space.
8. Safety levels for individuals for the most part have been maintained, although we recognise indents made, especially in road driving conditions, after hours and in breaches of privacy.
9. It is so easy to communicate, only the unwillingness to do so is the barrier.
10. We have learned to be more cynical and not so trusting, but in a wise way. This has been a good outcome against scams, fake news, over the top marketing, double speak by politicians and the lack of regulation.


  Igreja is the Portuguese word for a church. In Malay and Indonesian, it is Gereja.  The Galician word is Igrexa.  The Sundanese islanders ...