Showing posts with label Outdoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outdoors. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Bush Walking, with Rocks and All

The path ahead could be long, or surprisingly short.   The trail could have been carved out by past walkers,  or some parts of it submerged under grass or water.     Outdoor walking exerts on not just the legs, but also on the mind.   Depending on your expectations, one can feel refreshed, sweat it out or liberate the constraints one places upon one's self.   Human beings are meant to get the muscles and adrenaline going   - we are not naturally built to sit down for  long hours and not utilise all of our sensory capabilities and abilities.    We are best when interacting with Nature and what our home planet and her elements offer us.

The road is long but he ain't heavy, he's my brother (or she's my sister!)

Sign boards are well posted when we were visiting several National Parks around Western Australia, whether they were by the Indian Ocean coast or deep inland in remote territory.   These informed us how far the walks would take us, whether there were ladders to climb, notifications of having to wade in shallow or deeper streams and if visitors need to have a certain level of physical dexterity.    The last mentioned is interesting, for it implied potentially sprawling yourself with a good grip over rocky but tenable edges, causing a Spiderman effect in posture, or in over coming challenging gradients, over the course of the journey.    The use of numbered challenge levels, from 1 to 5, was helpful in gauging what requires of walkers on each major trail.  

On the trail to Joffre Gorge and Falls.

Several walks taken offered a wonderful return in scenery appreciation, diversity of colours and variety of geographical vistas.    When you get further from Perth, northwards, your eyes feast on quiet panoramas of the land meeting ocean, of the Earth showing significant upheaval geologically from a time not easily fathomable and of a clear sky without cloud in the daytime and full of stars after twilight.    Where you encounter cliffs, there can be man made ladders and stairs, usually made of metal, to ease the experience.  Otherwise, one has to figure out naturally formed steps,  usually used by predecessor bush walkers, to reach from one level to the next.   

Ecological friendly base for showers, toilets and wash ups.

Where ocean meets the land, where whales swim past and where the glowing sun sets below the horizon  - Kalbarri National Park.  National parks can be vast in Western Australia, although the biggest on this continental island is the Kimberleys.    Kalbarri , which is also the name of a woody pear tree, can be smaller in land area, but has the best seats for variety of panoramic views.   The Indigenous name for the Kalbarri area is Wurdimarlu.    At the time of my group's visit, there were road works being carried out and private vehicles were not allowed to drive in the more pretty corners like Nature's Window.  Only vehicles operated by commercial tour operators were allowed in that period.   We still could get to pockets along the coast, glimpses of the potential of Kalbarri.

Entrance to the Karijini National Park.

The personal rewards can be many and delightfully surprising.    It is smooth going when the short walk of under a kilometre leads to several look out points, usually fenced or maybe not.    There is this tendency to look forward to sitting down on a ledge and soak in the view below and above.   Many gorge trails in Karijini (or "A Hilly Place") offered us a dimension bigger than our individual selves.   Often, I was taken aback positively when catching a glimpse of textured rocks carved by the wind or water, not just on massive wall faces towering above us but also on the dry parts of river beds.    The rocks are less brown than with iron mineral rich redness, as if painted evenly by master strokes from an experienced artist.   And Nature is the most skilled of all, inspiring human hearts and skills to emulate her.   Often, shrubs would cling on to these rocky surfaces, with a tenacity and purpose that illustrates the sustenance of life  even under difficult circumstances.    The flora would have very minimalist foliage, but life still blooms.    We also pondered what happens to the trails we were on when it is the wet season.  More likely the rocks we were stepping on or use for grip would be under flowing or gushing waters.

Dolomite and more.

They say it is mainly a question of mind over matter, in various things in the journey of life.   So it can be.   I was taught not to take labels too seriously, and how liberating this can be!    Level 5 of difficulty in reality can be less daunting than what my mind imagines.  With good footwear and an open attitude, it becomes more easy.   Sprinkled with common sense and blessed with good company, physical roadblocks are over come with a smoother outcome.   Every fellow hiker has a unique personality - one constantly kept in touch with family overseas, another was so focused on wild birds and yet a third showed boldness and a spirit of adventure.

Sunset along the Indian Ocean.

In the dry season, the nights can be coolish in Karijini.   We could feel the nippiness  surfacing from below the floors of our cabins in the middle of the night - and next morning I realised the floor boards had gaps between them.    Once walking on the trail under the sun, there was no opportunity to reflect on three degree Celsius nights, for with proper shoes and tops, the body warmed up, the eyes focused and the heart embraced the spirit of the outdoors.   A hearty breakfast also helped, for the daylight hours were filled with as much opportunity to explore and wander.  In June, the sun  is up in the sky for only limited hours, and when we were in the wilderness, we realised we were heading towards the shortest day in the year - the Winter Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere. 

Kalbarri National Park,

Picnics by the park tables are what I also fondly recall.   We met other tourists, however briefly   - but could exchange ideas on trails, enjoy the comfort of conversation and share our food.    This was an alternative hiatus to the main silence of bush walking, for one is just engaged with one's self  - mind, body and all - in conquering trails.    There were the necessary moments of collective appreciation, standing there looking at beauty, and also small talk, but primarily it was the opportunity to reflect one's inner self and engage with the outer Natural world.    So when lunch time came, it was also a relief, to chat and pour over experiences, moments and challenges.

The surreal view along the Mandu Mandu Trail.

Seven year old Harvey joined us with his younger sister Elsie at our long picnic table when their Dad, Alastair,  went over to collect the gas stove from their vehicle.   They are kids who did not ask for much, using their over turned caps as make shift plates when my group offered some Tim Tams and fresh pear slices.   Harvey is like the neighbour's child whom you want to look after your house when you are away.  Soon, Mum Karen came to join us with an impressive three year old, Byron, who had no qualms mentioning to us about the milk getting frozen in the Esky and who was so polite waiting for his Mum's permission to try a Tim Tam.  Alastair heated a classic Italian coffee jug, the sun shone and we enjoyed being together.

There was one remarkable place where the walk over a couple of kilometres were carpeted with just white stones, as if it was laid by a fairy tale Giant for his drive way.  Mandu Mandu Gorge, located on the Coral Coast, at the Cape Range National Park near Exmouth, is modest at three kilometres but offers rewarding scenery, both along the edge of the gorge and below on the river bed.   The stark contrast between deep blue sky and the surrounding landscape gives aesthetic and inspiring vibes.   The trail is mostly gentle, the collective view uplifts and the detail remarkable.   The soles of our feet are especially massaged.  Mandu in Indigenious Australian language refers to the sun.

Joffre Gorge and Falls in Karijini National Park is perhaps the most spectacular to me, offering vertical climbs over narrow edges and a sizeable deep coloured pool as the reward.  More interesting is that one need not do all the physicals to be able to watch the beauty of the falls, for you can hike on an easy path to a look out point to view the best of all these.  Many of the gorges are best experienced at dawn and dusk.    What over comes one's understanding when being at such remote and unique sites is the timelessness and spirituality of the place.

Sitting on a spot in the early afternoon one day half way along the Kalamina Gorge trail, I could fully take in the journey of a creek to river to gorge.    I noticed miniature waterfalls, banks beside deeper water and the carving on rock of steep walls.   I enjoyed comparing the different shades of bold colours on the rocks.    Nature had cleverly eroded the various surfaces into ergonomic seat like surfaces, several almost like man made, with the right measurements to fit the human body.   I did not witness much wild life, although they were there.   So the landscape was my focus for me in the so called middle of no where.  Apart from so passers by, it looked like I had the whole place to myself.   I began to soak in the first unassuming vibes.  It may have been quiet but that does not mean the Earth is  not alive.   Ironically, the serenity and ambiance of this space inevitably made look inside myself, ease me into a meditative mood and then gradually feel the energy spark in me slowly fuse with that from the origin of it all - the Universe.

Check out:

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Southern Cape South Africa - Coastal Vignettes False Bay

Rocky with cliffs.  Sweeping vistas as the road winds its way to hug the contours of the Cape coast.
The wind is on our faces. That is how I first encountered the southern oceans, away from those in New Zealand and Australia.  The landscape here still has rugged terrain, with not many people, more natural and yet still impressive.   There are houses, mostly clinging on to the hill sides, but there is not much vehicular traffic.  Where are the surfers, one of the first thoughts that bugged me as I am transported down the Southern Cape, beside a bay that is seen as False.

 I was not certain whether this route I was taking with my group was passing by the Atlantic, or Indian, Oceans.   The relevant question then is whether False Bay is part of the Atlantic or Indian Oceans.  Spots with English and Dutch name origins dot the coast, like Parson's Nose,  Saint James, Murdock valley, Seaforth, long Beach, mackerel bay, Fish Hoek and Shelley Beach.   By coincidence, names like Shelley Baech, Seaforth and St, James are also used in the greater Sydney area in Australia.  There is a Mediterranean climate here, nurturing its popularity as a get away route with holiday homes, fishing for the Snoek, fine dining, scuba diving and yachting sport.

Where there are no sandy beaches, the ocean meets land with rocky surfaces or slopes of thin vegetation.  May be it was the season - early spring.  I could feel excitement of budding and practising geologist when coming to this region.  South Africa's Cape province is the site of more than several high points with record breaking cliff gradients beside an ocean.

False Bay is defined in boundary by Cape Hangklip, the cute name meaning "hanging rock".   This has been emphasised to us when we had a stop over to view a quiet large inlet.  Most likely a tour hot spot, for people had written in chalk names, places of origin and dates of being there.  It was a quietly stunning experience, soaking in the panoramas of rather placid waters touching the bases of cliffs.   The roads built to circumnavigate the coast are neither too wide nor narrow.   My group stopped mainly at Simon' Town and at Boulder Beach African Penguin colony.

Empty beautiful beaches line the route and provide a getaway from it all.  The landscape is so different from the interior of South Africa but here the Great White sharks swim aplenty.

From Muizenberg to Smitswinkel Bay, along a part of inlet called False Bay, the scenic ride or drive happens.   Seals around the shore at Cape Fur Seal do attract sharks in the waters - and just like around Australian waters, incidents of shark attacks do happen.  And not just any shark species, but the Great White. There is a register kept on line of casualties involving individuals off the coast of South Africa.

A  tip of a huge continent - Cape of Good Hope, but not where the Indian Ocean's warm Mozambique currents flow.

Rocky cliffs predominate part of the scenic route south from Cape Town to Simon's Town and Cape Point.

A bay along the False Bay coast.

Land's end at the Cape of Good Hope, where two major oceans still do not meet up.  The lesser known Cape Alguhas is said to be where the Atlantic meets the Indian Oceans, as the cold Benguela currents from Antartica still touch False Bay and Cape Point.
The Cape of Storms was changed in name by Portuguese King John II to the Cape of Good Hope, for its discovery and passage use by European colonists significantly changed the history of trade, cultural intermingling and cuisine development forever.
Cape Point is also known as Diaz point, in honour of Bartholomeu Diaz and rises 249 metres above the ocean level.  There is still some distance to traverse between the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point.  The latter has become another tour spot, with a funicular railway to ferry visitors up to the light house if you do not wish to climb up.  Interesting enough, Vasco da Gama Point is north of all these, along the southern stretches of False Bay, within the confines of the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, south of Smitswinkel Bay and Simon's Town.

You may want to check out:

The Black Marlin Restaurant

Penguin Colony


Simon' Town

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Chobe National Park - Four Wheel Safari

This teenage female came straight up to breath's distance from me.  I was seated on the upper duck of the vehicle, held my own calmness and quiet.  I trusted Mr. Rann our guide and driver ion his choice of stopping beside a small herd.  Missy looked close up at me and I noted her gem like brown eyes.  She did not look threatening, mauve more curious than ever. I survived my own fears and Missy's greeting - and this turned out to be a most magical moment that all the Disney movies in my childhood and David Attenborough documentaries had long prepared me for.

Head butting, playing and training.  These agile and lovely Impalas have a feisty personality, are quick to respond to danger and have a high level of sense of community.  The are herbivorous but are a fond target of the lions and leopards.

The hippopotamus rarely comes out  from soaking in the water.  Always his faithful symbiotic feathered friends are nearby, often picking out from the surface of the hippo's hide.  The four legged creature is also approached with caution by the local human inhabitants.

Baboons gather in congresses for mutual protection, group power and to enjoy a sense of family.  They have long tails, are cheeky and venture near human habitats in the search for food.

Elephants value watering holes and are said to have an innate sense of recognition and memory.  They feed on grass, for which they have to learn from parents as to choice of good sources and train in.  Elephant ear flaps are beautiful and fascinating and their hide can be in various shades of brown, grey or black.

These two zebras were doing sentry duty whilst their herd members fed on the grassy plains. I noticed there are brown streaks beside the obvious back and white stripes.   They are noble in stature, have energy of horses when running and sprout a captivating head gear.

It was the dry season and so the terrain does not look encouraging for this gathering of baboons.

This lioness walks a few paces behind her brood in the late afternoon, in what may be an educational exercise for her cubs on the way back from some day time activities.

Water buffaloes stomp away and create much dust in their wake.  They have powerful strengthened are feared by humans.  They appear as one of the one for he Big Five on the currency notes for the South African Rand - the others being the leopard, the lion, the giraffe and the zebra.

Graceful, tall and colourful, the giraffe competes in my heart with the zebra as my favourite wild  fauna.
Unique to the African continent, they are leaf grazers and have a strategic view of the world of mainly grasslands.
How do they stoop down and drink water?  Their eyes look feminine, the two short horns interesting and how they run on such long legs is a wonder for me to have witnessed.  Scientists have also recently discovered that giraffes human t low frequency audio to each other at night.

We were fortunate to come across this wild dog pack resting under some shady trees in the midday sun.   I noticed they have pronounced ears and sharp jaw shapes.  One of their brood was disabled that day and we all were touched by the positive vibes and care given by all in the group to this critter. They are lean bodied, have a strong sense of smell and have alert signals amongst themselves when faced with possible danger.

This is perhaps the most consumed wild game - the hog.  

The helmeted Guinea Fowl can be likened to turkeys but the are smaller in size.  Although they have colourful heads, their bodies are very plain and dark.  They can scoot about quickly, are not fussy on feeding and are sensitive to other animals near them.


  Igreja is the Portuguese word for a church. In Malay and Indonesian, it is Gereja.  The Galician word is Igrexa.  The Sundanese islanders ...