As another new year rolls in, and yet another decade changes, what do I recall best with a smile and fondness? Here is just but a sampling.
I am reminded with a glow in my heart of things Austrian - from table settings under a glass house
patio through a variety of pork selections to German inspired beer - at Kaiser Stub'n, tucked away in a forest setting at Terry Hills, NSW. The fact that one can request - and obtain- chili condiments to accompany your duck confit or fish in an Euro setting cannot be taken for granted.
Volunteerism is alive and kicking in Australia, as a practice, a mindset and a powerful driver to get things done and faster, when the normal course would be too late and too little. This essentially nationally pervasive spirit, thoroughly exemplified and utilised at the Sydney Olympics, thrives on in little heralded corners and causes. Above, Ryan and Gary, who otherwise are based at their fire fighting stations in Nowra and the Campbelltown regions of New South Wales, take time out to raise funds for sick kids.

Succulents, in all shapes, structures and texture, are so reliable and pretty. They also suit most Australian climate zones, thrive when they are forgotten and provide variety and alternatives to other high maintenance requirements of other styles of gardens. The Asians perceive that they exude good vibes, the indigenous Australians acknowledge such flora as an essential part of their heritage and some succulents have medicinal or healing properties. Above, the lotus flower shaped bunches above were photographed in August 2010 at the residence of Mr and Mrs Yeap Kim Leong in Wartirna, Victoria.

I am told that women like their men to be like coffee - strong, hot and reliable. The logistics, patronage and business of coffee culture has surely taken the Australian lifestyle to new heights over the past ten years. One cannot avoid the aroma and atmosphere of cafes, mobile vans and /or coffee stalls in the course of a day's experience. Whether you step out of Flinders or Wynyard rail stations, whether you are a tea drinker or refrain from such beverages, whether you are tucked away by the beach or in the highlands on this continental island, you would have noticed the significant marketing drive and transformation of this product delivery. Above, an appreciated special touch of designed foam top from Rush in the UOW Wollongong Campus - thank you, Tulin, Olivia, Kylie, David, Nathan, John, Jeff and Chad for the coffee rush.
Home is where the heart is, and for what we work for and nurture our dreams, plans and realities.
Home is where we replenish, retreat to or simply be ourselves. Home can be a reconnected meeting of minds and inner selves, a place where longing is fulfilled and where we grow and harvest. Home is where we reaffirm, encourage or get encouraged and know where we stand no matter what. The home is an expression of love and a willingness to let love overcome. Above, the grass does grow green in Balgownie, NSW.
Retail therapy, window shopping or clearing the list- whatever one calls it, one does spend money, time and effort to trawl through the variety of attractions and diversions crying out for attention. The best experiences, to me, are when I come across items that I do want, but have forgotten (or suppressed its requirement). I also enjoy navigating through innovative displays and well designed customer aisles that makes one immerse in a total branding experience. Above Image -taken at a Gant store.

Walking on capital city pavements does bring a motivating rush to me - it all began because it sets the setting for a corporate day, an enjoyable function and a time away from quiet suburbia. The noise, the smells, the sights and impressions of the city landscape can drive Big Smoke frequenters to faraway shores and remote corners - but they do bring them back. A day out in the city centre is incomplete without having a meal, letting our hair out during a concert or gig, rushing through a mall or experiencing a unique man-made sensation. The city also offers insights into how capitalism works, how certain folks make good money, how the masses trudge in and out of transport terminals and what the media fuss is all about. A city centre can have a dark underbelly - or silver linings -that echo the whole spectrum of the human condition. Image above: Scene from Sydney CBD on a week day morning.

Rise and shine, especially on Australian spring and summer days, can be real early, with a strong blast from the sun and lead to many things done before the diversions, scheduling and routine of the day set in. I love to feed the goldfish and then drink my first glass of just water to commence a new beginning. I relish to be able to go the nearby beach to soak in the colours and salt of the ocean. If time permits, nothing is as mind-refreshing as watering the plants when dew and greenness of the leaves are most receptive. The wake-up aroma of bread toast, spreads and fresh fruit then enhance my already opened up senses - and yes, don't forget the weet-bix. Image above - sunrise in Wollongong, NSW.

Suddenly, as you embark on to the aircraft, you enter another world, easily letting go of the cares of the world. Being propelled into the stratosphere, matters of Earth look better in perspective. It is easier for me to let go of what were a minute ago real concerns, but now things that can take care of themselves. Knowing that the next several hours would be confined to a certain space - out of our own choice - makes us do the things that we have been putting off - we finish that book, we enjoy the available drinks and allow ourselves to dream. Image above - taken aboard a Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 on Oct 20,2010.
Sports, a national passion in Australia, mostly as spectators and supporters, but also doing it, at whatever levels that permit across the Great Brown Land. You think about, you talk about it, you live it. Melbournians are divided into social tribes - as AFL team supporters. Every turn of the arm or bat is analysed in summer cricket. There is nothing like Grand Final Day, with pre-game gatherings and the ever present supply of drink. Sporting heroes who overcome the odds - like diver Matthew Mitchum or runner Cathy Freeman - can be iconic inspirers to those who watch from communities, villages and capital cities. You can be a fan of at least two types of football but maybe not more. Rain or cold, agile AFL players dart about effectively on many playing fields from Perth to Melbourne, whilst you need more body bulk to front up against your NRL opponents. Image above - English fans at Glastonbury react as Germany trashes England watching on tv the 2010 World Cup from South Africa (Image credit -