Professions, Politics and Your Personal Choice
At times I do wonder......
So called professions impose a strict regime on the entry of members to their groups. The rules, policies, examinations, continuing training and unspoken traditions can be viewed, at the very best, as maintaining or enhancing the quality of admitted members. At the other end of the scale, it also works to limit the quantity of practitioners, imbue them with a privileged sense of exclusivity and pull into better consensus as to which future directions the profession's core wants.
Is politics a profession? If it is, there do not seem to be the same formal admission processes required otherwise of most trades and professions. The clue is in the nature of the beast - politics essentially thrives on informality, flexibility, relationships, strategisation and personalities.
Yet the stark difference is that one does not have to obtain academic qualifications to enter politics.
Politics can be compared to fulfiling tribal tendencies and imperatives of human nature. Power - and the ability to exercise it - can be the most attractive feature captivating to those individuals and parties who have tasted it.
And this political power reigns supreme to direct, manage and control the lives of other individual human beings, who can have much better attitudes, talents and skills than people in politics.
The Achilles heel in so called contemporary
democratic systems is that in the extreme, radicals, fools and those with the loudest voices - and not necessarily with the best qualifications -find they can exploit the system to enrich, empower and elevate themselves without care or concern.
The inherent and actual power of politicians can embed society into collective consequences which voters do not deserve. Politicians influence the investment climate, the working enviroment of medical frontliners and the very basis of a progressive civilisation - the law. Just to name a few.
It disturbs me that so called enlightened human beings allow such a risk to continue to manifest itself.
As I am told, do not blame anybody else, if I allow the corrupt, the hoodwinkers and the hypocrites to be my political leaders.
To be fair, not all politicians are negative. Yet, for example, most professional bodies do not demand improvements in the political sector - and are left to be subject to the vagaries and whims of the ruling political power, good or not so good.
Perhaps professional bodies can learn more from political parties - to be more savvy in networking, to improve its image and communications, to form alliances with bodies outside its niche profession and to help develop society in its broadest possibilities.
Those who remain overly quiet can be relegated to the sidelines.
Those who speak out can be effective, if they are persuasive, address needs and have connections.
Those who speak out with over the top vibes and misleading agendas can become obvious as to intent.
For anyone, with or without membership of a formal professional body, what is your choice?
Do not let misleading politicians of not so desirable intent insult our inherent intelligence.
Every action of ours is important, when we make it so.
This is not just applicable for professional and political bodies.