Human pyschology in approaching purchases - a deal, a package, a commitment, an arrangement or a perceived need - can be fascinating, bewildering or just being held captive.
Try assessing whether you would enter into the following product arrangement.
1. You pay upfront in money for a promise of services.
2. The annual charges increase every financial or calender year - and will definitely be charged more if we had breached some detailed promise on our part.
3. You are asked to disclose personal details of yourself, your lifestyle and your movements before the product is sold to you.
There is no guarantee your privacy is protected in practice in the data base of such providers.
4. Legislation makes it compulsory for you, your entity or business to have or require the product.
5. The people, software robot or website interface you deal with, after buying the product, have a different personality or customer interactive approach after you buy from them.
6. The contract for such products is purposefully made complex, utilises legalise and high sounding technical terms and has so many pages that turns off most customers from ever reading it.
7. There have been rogue players in the product sector that you want to deal with. Gross breaches of contract, uncivil behaviour and unexplained penalties have been landmarks of such providers.
8. Authorities and governments have declared such providers as too big to fail.
9. Such providers often hold us as captives by luring us with peanuts and diversions as earning points, making us buy things we do not need and make us wait for a long time before we can claim our membership rewards. The common thread in such provider programs are getting us to be involved in churning of transactions that add volume and margin to their business.
10. Promises of payback, claims and refunds of our upfront financial payments are laced with conditions, percentages ans administrative splitting of hairs.
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