Friday, 7 March 2025

Egg Prices Two Years Ago

 Fresh eggs are basic consumption items, mostly undervalued, used on a daily basis in nutritious recipes and harvested on a massive scale across the globe.

The spike in prices of many goods, services and produce, after the end of Covid related lockdowns, has also affected the price of eggs around the world.  I inquired with friends based in several cities as to how much they pay for them, in April 2023.

My conclusion is that fresh eggs are most reasonably priced in Toronto, Canada and Singapore.

The most expensive fresh eggs are found in Auckland, New Zealand and London UK.

Eggs are sold with myraid labels, descriptions and weight in grams.
They can be sold as organic (more natural fibrous feed for the chickens), free range in living space, or both.  Organic hens need not be free range - and free range chickens need not be organic.

In Sydney, eggs sold per dozen range from 600 grams to 700 and 800.  Those sourced from regional areas tend to be from valleys, unique named farms and relatively remote areas.  Eggs from rural Malaysia (kampungs) are perceived to have better quality in suburbs of Peninsular cities and the island of Singapore.

Egg prices can differ widely between the 3 main supermarket chains, independent groceries, fresh produce markets, health food outfits and family producers.  More people are not getting fussed about best use dates.  Eggs used for baking can be different from those used in omelettes, health concoctions and steamed custards.

Eggs can be sold in trays of 30, like in Penang and Kuala Lumpur.  Halfcut trays of six eggs are offered with premium eggs across Greater Sydney. 

The flavour and taste of eggs vary, more pronounced when you try the same dish in different continents, like Eggs Benedict, sunny side fried egg in a burger or Onsen styled egg in ramen soup.  Are bigger sized eggs better than smaller ones? I reckon it all boils down to personal preference.

Do we seriously want to know the exact source of the eggs we purchase?  I reckon so, knowing the origin of such eggs enhances the experience of savouring them.  These days, even milk sold at Coles Down Under are just stated as using " Australian milk".  There is no further information - and one does not know exactly where across this continental island was the milk squeezed out.


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