There is no forgiveness at the height of war. Justifications, perceptions and higher purposes reign mighty on both sides of a conflict. The fight between perceived evil and good - as echoed by the Lord of the Rings trilogy of novels - is as real as dignity, indignation and inner respect. Conflicts arise from opposing agendas. I am amused when a community is willing to suffer economic and other deprivations, as the price of and with the intent of a bigger agenda and purpose, even when it emphasises exclusion, unforgiveness and no basic human values for some and not all. Wartime can imply not just obvious physical acts of inhumane episodes involving arms, threats and fear, but also the slow eroding process of unsettling and de-recognising specific groups of people. Which is harder or easier, to break down the inner resolve of a targeted community that is not liked or to bombard them with injury or death?
Blatant discrimination has occurred throughout much of modern human history, but in the progress of human enlightenment, much has been done to erase that for the future. Backward societies still exist, however, in encouraging the singling out of groups by race or religion to lay blame for perceived and real socio-economic problems. In such reality, such discriminated groups are criticised and alienated openly for being different from the mainstream or from those who hold political power. This occurred in Nazi-controlled Germany, where facts were distorted, ghettos arose and violent mistreatment ensued. At times the human condition can be overly optimistic, but cruelty can come fast, like a thief in the night. It took around a dozen years only from the obvious discrimination of Jews and other so-called non-Aryan peoples to the gas death camps in the middle of the last century. A generation of friends of various backgrounds in that era in Europe who grew up together were forced to separate and disengage due to the politics and sheer barbarism of a few in power.
When such discrimination is official, the dangers of living in such societies move on to a heightened level of risk. Societies, communities and nations that at least make a show of officially outlawing discrimination in all shapes and forms provide a stark contrast to those that do not. Those that have legalised racial discrimination include the South Africa from the last century. Having legislated exclusion and blatant segregation of racial groups, especially when utilising the power and tools of the government in control, is a critical harbinger of future social unrest, national disunity and civil breakdown. Compound such discrimination with financial misuse of national resources and corruption - and it surely does magnify the risks of a destruction of a national structure.
History has numerous episodes of onlookers having the proverbial ostrich hiding its head in the sand.
All of us can see the disdain offered groups that are discriminated, but nothing effective is done for a variety of reasons - it is too hard, there is no economic advantage to be involved, we cannot offend the very parties that discriminate, we have no choice but to keep silent or we have tried to fight back but to no avail. This further encourages and facilitates the intentions, plans and dreams of evil doers.
The phrase "All it takes is for good people to do nothing" came from a World War. I also add that all it takes is for appointed leaders to keep silent and look the other way.
An obvious sign of coming disorder and serious repercussions in a country is when individuals and families who can emigrate continue to do so. The window of hopeful options can be limiting as unfairness, discrimination and corruption of decent human values can continue their frightful path pretty much left uncriticised and unchecked. Some nations and groups can be vehement on specific politically correct matters but remain strangely silent on other things. When there is no hope of overall structure of equity and decency, individuals exercise their choices and votes by protecting their micro lives and allowing the macro national fabric to be torn. This is despite resistance and opposition, but life does not end in happy endings always, as justified opposition can be quashed, no matter what the moral implications.
In some current realities, it is already too late three minutes to midnight, when "Cinderella's carriage" I am reminded of can truly turn into definitely less elegant things.
Why wait until the refugees march out of borders, desperately undertake perilous sea journeys or languish in camps before the humanitarian conscience of the world is stirred? The most insatiable injury inflicted by cruel people and societies can lie embedded in the heart of living victims. Must there be obvious physical destruction, wartime atrocity and decimation of innocent populations before the rest for the world does something to help in a constructive way? Despite the refinement and progress of human civilisation, some societies still are locked in essentially tribal warfare being totally intolerant of other groups that look, feel and are different culturally. Hence I reckon the rationale for the continuing and common trend in human history in the search for a hopeful Messiah to rise above such primal, primitive and exclusive urges. The rise of nationalism in the 20th century, preceded by colonialism, is now followed by another dangerous trend. Or is it just the way of the world? Or does history simply repeat itself? Or can inhumane parties not realise the impact of karma - what goes around does come around.
It was religious persecution that drove the early white settlers to the so-called New World, whether landing in America or South Australia in the past. When a sanctified system of exclusion occurs, the human instinct is to find better pastures to resettle. Such a significant experience is echoed by the Bibical Exodus. Ultimately the world is richer for such migrations, creating fresh societies with fusion, creativity and renewal. However we cannot turn away from or forget the dislocation, adjustment and upheaval experienced to commence a new community in another part of the world.
The interim winners may be those with much less civilised intentions and implementation, those who have won the process discriminating against others. An interesting question then arises - if there is no other remaining group to lay the blame, will such a remnant society then self-destruct by turning inwards against each other?
Kindly Yours - A collection of writings, thoughts and images. This blog does contain third party weblinks. No AI content is used.
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