Monday, 24 November 2014

Classic Georgetown - The Tau Sar Peah

The mung bean biscuits, an iconic product of Penang.

The biscuits are baked, the fillings are ground flaky peeled mung bean and it may be an acquired taste.
Taste sensations vary according to different opinions, but they are best eaten freshly baked.  Small and bite sized, the
crispiness outside is followed by a softer texture when you get to the insides.  Best served with Chinese tea, they are snacks on the go or accompanied by easy conversation in the afternoon.

A typical container box designed cover of the biscuits.

Variations of this biscuit abound, but they generally utilise both an oily and water dough separately.  Interestingly, white pepper, vinegar and thinly sliced shallots are used and go into the mix with the beans.  The process can be challenging for home preparation, hence commercial production has taken over and dot many outlets across peninsular Malaysia - a trail left by Fujian immigration for  over two hundred years.  Oh, sometimes, I can find the mung bean insides can stick to my teeth after consuming them, but the sheer pleasure of eating them obligates any such thoughts!  These biscuits are carried all over the world by travellers to the diaspora.

All the bakery outlets have a common name (Heang or Hiang, which in the Fujian dialect means "aromatic".)

All photos in this post are created to Ms. Au Yong Kit Fong.


Emma @Missemzyy said...

What unusual biscuits! They sound delicious! Im guessing they are on the savoury side?

KY said...

Yes Emma they are rather savoury than sweet. It is the oven baking that determines the quality of such biscuits. They are not sold in Australia as far as know, so you have to visit Georgetown Penang to bite into the freshly baked ones!

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