Saturday, 7 July 2012

Ka-Fe, North Wollongong, NSW

Ka~Fé on Urbanspoon

You can see palm trees.  The neighbours do not look  like being in the food business. Yes, the escarpments above Wollongong are reassuring - and pretty. The coffee is even more remarkable. The baristas concentrate on providing precision, care and love in their art. Welcome to Ka-fe, the centre of Delano coffee roasting for Australia. The ambiance is modern, homely and aromatic.
Located at 83 Montague Street in  the border between the suburbs of North Wollongong and Fairy Meadow, they are not at the beach, but a ten minute drive to the nearest surf. It does not matter, for increasingly Ka-Fe is creating its own waves.  Ask for a cold drip.  The food menu can be limited, but come here for the coffee!  Check out  their special music sessions and coffee appreciation mornings.

The chicken pastry (above)  I had, tasty to a bite, whilst catching up with Dyl.
Vaughn and Brad were manning the fort that day.  The setting is idyllic and spacious, there is a wood feel to the accessories and furniture provided - and I love the chalk board behind the main counter.  There is a demand for the roasted beans to take home. Serious drinkers can ask for their specific and peculiar choices - and get it happily, with satisfaction.  Currently it is not open on weekends,except one Saturday a month with a fuller food menu, but anyone can check it out on weekdays between 630am and 4pm each weekday.  Yes, they have a barista training school (Grind on Demand) and offer several blends for you to consider.

My impressions of the Ka-Fe in North Wollongong, NSW are:

Atmosphere: An oasis for coffee.
Location: Light industrial area.
Service:  Friendly, quick and attentive. Okay I already know Vaughn!
Taste: The majority of roasting sources used are from Central America, Tanzania and Ethopia.
People Engagement:  Tell Ka-Fe what you want and don't be shy - and they deliver.
Best Time to Visit:  Anytime!
Would I Return?: Cannot wait for the next opportunity.


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