Food for Thought

Let us visualise a hypothetical nation with the following characteristics.

An identified segment of the population in this imaginary country has been given both financial and non-financial benefits in an entrenched mentality of political induced given rights and not through sheer personal effort, thinking and innovation. Such rights have been long embedded in the minds of the recipients, due to perceived past injustices and through the weight of numbers, racial prejudice, the ability to exclude and the manipulation of so-called democratic smokescreens.

Yet the very peoples such benefits were meant to provide for continue to be oppressed - and the majority of the wealth of the country ironically continues to be held by a chosen and connected few.  The government of the day feeds on discriminatory practices which logically leads to significant brain drains, voluntary emigrations and tampering with historical facts.

Classes are created to divide and rule, with the powers that be bestowing apparent superiority on one group of human beings, who  are then pitted against other human beings.   Logic and rationality are defied in societal and judicial decisions.  When religion and misplaced national pride are further utilised in this powder keg, and diversity strongly rejected, the consequences can be severe, the writing is already on the wall and a country, that once welcomed ideas and change, becomes insular and unstable.

The nation is further hijacked by radicalism and conservatism, swirling in its own deceit and delusional sense of righteousness.  Homogenous ideals flourish to constrain development and destiny whilst competitor nations absorb the best of human beings rejected by their own place of birth.  There are flare ups of unavoidable civil violence and community disorder.  Extremism and intolerance are nurtured, attracting such like leaders to rule and leading to the inevitable path of a disrupted society.

Am I referring to Germany in the Nazi years, or feudal China on the last legs of a dying dynasty? Or am I asking you to reflect on your local shire or suburb?   I recall African tribal wars, colonial era stiff upper lips and slavery in the old USA.  Each aspect mentioned echoes possible  human behaviour, thinking and organisation in any geographical place, especially when there are insufficient checks and balances.  There can be pockets of such instances occurring, if not all of the above.  What are you, as a  responsible member of society and as an enlightened human being, doing, in every small or big way you can, to protect your self and your family, from stumbling into this kind of fate?


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