Agendas of Society, Business and Government

At the macro dimension, why do we change things when there are no issues with an incumbent model? Alternatively, why do we not change things when there is an obvious track record of misgivings, defects, negative customer service and poor leadership?

1. The Games the Super Rich and Powerful Play.
Human society and its mechanisms of power, politics and wealth control can be complex but also fascinating. The upper echelon of human beings do not reveal all to the masses to protect and continue the privileges, comfort and excesses of enjoying life at the top. Whether change occurs or not, some group has significant stakes in not wanting to shake or wanting to change the status quo. At the same time, when transactions occur, there is always opportunity for a cut of the action and funds for brokers and middlemen.

2. Relying on Shaping Skewed Opinions Rather Than Doing the Ethical Thing.
The shapers of public influence can be bought with huge money. Whether they are political parties, traditional media, social media, telecommunications players and those that pop up now and then to feed a growing niche, the days of simple social influence are now bypassed by the current age of powerful analytics, tampered messages and hidden networks of sophisticated players. 

3. The Costs of Playing With a Two Edged Sword.
The psyche of human beings can be to undermine or muck up things when it need not be. This used to be referred to as Murphy's Law. At the same time, what seems to be a solution on the surface and interim turns out to generate further problems on implementation. What felt like opportunity could turn a business or organisation on to the slippery slope.

Technology is supposed to provide more ease and improvement in the quality of life, but the very same technology can also intrude your privacy, facilitate breaches, hold one to ransom and encourage alternative thinking. Easier mobility of travel is now accompanied by higher risks in personal and collective security. Carrying out more of our lives depending on the Internet dehumanises each of us more than we know or realise. 

Technology can effectively bring down financial costs, but also at the same time lower practice standards in compliance and play short shift with other drivers.

4. Selective Smokescreens.
The politicians we elect to office make very obvious selective choices in raising issues for impact to their careers and party survival. 

In Australia, the alarming numbers of huge drug seizures, carnage of road accidents, excessive alcohol consumption at sports events, the disenfranchisement of our youth, accelerating health care costs and rising gambling addiction do not raise as many alarm bells in the various levels of Parliament as the personality conflicts in politics, the articulate complaints of so called victims of political incorrectness, the flux of marginal support levels for the Government in power and the balancing of embedded interests behind an elected leader. 

5. The Push for Relentless Turnover.
Contemporary society, perhaps driven by economics academics, seem to be more obsessed with reporting statistics, poll results and trends rather than finding practical solutions. The churning of figures, as seen by daily movements in share prices, index counters and currency exchange, seem to primarily serve hedging and speculative trading rather than provide any useful indicators. This has led to making money out of air rather than based on actual asset values.

6. Who Blinks First?
Hyping up the benefits of change when those changes in reality do not deliver can bring much disappointment and damage to reputation. 

A continuing series of significant misdemeanours inflicted on customers under the same key commercial leadership would have meant the unacceptable loss of face and immediate resignation in Japanese culture. Boards and shareholders in Australia seem to side with senior management rather than employees and other human people - until the swirling fan hits unavoidable shit. 

7. Short sighted Views and Rewards.
We cannot blame only the Millennials for their need for instant gratification. Older generations have shown significant penchant by hugely rewarding individuals and companies for short term but spectacular profits and results, some of which are not sustainable. So problems can be brushed over as long as the big bacon is brought home and there is no need to bother quelling some huge fires in disparate parts of the Empire. 

8. The Rise and Ruse of Public Communications.
The art of convincing, rationalising and justifying developments has taken to a different level in the history of human speak. One finds many official communiques side stepping the core questions, provides answers out of context and paints positive points about an organisation even if that was not asked for. So it can lead to a balletic self talk of supporting spending on white elephants. 

This art of allowing public relations primarily manage an issue, instead of actually removing the causes of the problem, may have seeped internally within a business when the leadership and Board are only told of what they want to hear.

9. Reduced Effectiveness of the Regulatory Authorities.  
Political grandstanding, withholding of funding ( until an event strikes), a non supportive corporate culture and the attitude of key shareholders all can negatively impact on the capability, efficiency and development of reliable regulatory units, either within or external to the business. 

10. The Comfort Zone at the Top of the Tree.
An organisation or business can become so large the reporting lines are sandbagged with provincial passions, territorial possessiveness and distracting politics, until the key interests of the institution or whom they really serve are de-emphasised. There can be smaller institutions which still have a larger than life ego than what they are meant to be.


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