Strategic Goals for Australia

As an economy and nation, Australia is now at a junction and a threshold of where it can move next, whether to positively secure its future or wallow in past possibly irrelevant arrangements and structures that may not optimise its growth and potential for most of this coming century.  The so-called Lucky Country syndrome has passed on, emphatically raising a dire need for an updated national attitude towards improving the standard of living and upholding national values long held, especially in this period of a hundred years since Gallipoli.

There is a pressing need for the nation and its constituent communities to kick in measures to best ensure continuity in key national and state strategic requirements - despite the varying three and four year turn round of electoral periods of different levels of governments in Australia.  Both high level and town hall meeting dialogues should be facilitated to recognise what makes Australia unique and significantly act upon such identified advantages for the future.  Major parties in political control should adopt more of a national interest agenda going forward instead of basing themselves primarily on the core interests of groups arising from the 20th century.

The nation can consider an eight step imperative:

1. To promote a conscious move away from short term and reactive steps; to reduce the hijacking of national needs by petty political battles, short sighted party agendas and short term constraints; and to reconcile across the political spectrum of implementing long term measures that cannot be changed despite change in governments;

2. To ensure less talk and self-egotism in our houses of governance; allow more focused thinking and definite sustained action for key actions that remove causes of problems; and reduce merry go-round steps that fester issues instead of resolving them;

3. To consistently, seriously and aggressively fund allocations provided for agreed primary national requirements, especially in enhancing education and training, nurturing small business, focusing on talent retention, emphasising old age care, enabling better the contributions of our younger generation, ensuring infrastructure renewal and better supporting the agricultural sector;

4. To lift the actions positively taken on developing Indigenous culture, resources, financial independence and sustainability to a ground breaking dimension;

5. To undertake more effective measures to develop northern parts of the Australian sub-continent, especially in developing the potential that is Darwin in location;

6. To further embrace the Asia Pacific more and less on the USA and the UK, especially with the rise in socio-political influences from the Indian sub-continent and China;

7. To maintain a more coherent humanitarian plan, not be reactive to disasters, man made or natural and also to ensure Australia is committed to such humanitarianism also within its borders; and

8.  To put a stop lowering standards in reducing misuse of national resources, personal corruption and lack of public accountability.


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