The Irony and The Obvious

 There is a growing irony when you live under a government that wants the public to embrace Covid.

Busibess venues are open but customers are more reluctant to use them.

Business venues are open but there are not enough stocks and staff available to viably keep them open.

We are free to travel but subject to a whole host of procedures that restrict our other freedoms.

We have minimal restrictions compared to days of lockdowns, travel permits and border closures- but we find ourselves more willing to stay home and observe what the heck is actually happening with the C and its implications.

We are told to test, when we have symptoms, but it is getting more challenging to be tested.

If the Omicron has less severity, then why are we still pushed to continue to test and get more vaccine jabs?

Governments can tell us to ride the wave over significant spikes in new mutations of C.  If we get infected, we are however told mostly to treat ourselves with painkillers - and not to bother with a medical and hospital system that increasingly cannot cope with increased demand.

If governments want us to comply with some new or changing rule, they have to ensure  the related infrastructure, supplies and personnel are sufficient to allow us to implement the requitements.

If various vaccinations for C are to be fully working, governments must not relentlessly use this option as the only option.

Governments cannot resort to redefinitions of C related parameters, without properly balancing the requirements of science, public health, the economy and mental health of society.

Withholding information or data suggests that governments have something serious to hide.

After 2 years of C, we are not as interested in daily figures of infections as in what key steps the government is taking to further reduce those figures.

The public needs more encouragement, wisdom snd truth from authorities rather than fear, blame shifting and excuses.

Prevention and proactivity is still so much better than reaction and panic.


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