And the Earth Moves On

 Wild boars are seen more on the streets of Hong Kong, so long dominated by densely populated humans.  We are asked to share the road, but it reminds me of we also being required to share the environment with fauna. It is also their space. The Earth moves on. 

The smallest island nations are crying out for help as sea levels rise, truly threatening their essentially flat and coastal community existence.   Others find their primary assets, the bounty of the oceans, have been depleted not from their fishing activities, but by the swooping harvests of large efficient trawlers coming  from beyond their shores.  The Earth rotates on. 

For public health reasons, more  disposable face masks and plastic containers have significantly risen in use since 2019.  The problem may not be in their manufacture and usage, but more in how they are disposed, choking our waterways and sealife.  The Oceans continue to move. 

Disposability can be the underlying reason for creating the mountains of trash in human society.  Commercialism and global market forces have created an over the top mentality that there is always a better model and design for the same useful product we use at home, at work, at sports and in our regime of daily life.    Technology can make wholesome and still working  systems, devices and goods seem defunct.   We are brainwashed perhaps to buy more and more, escalated by the likes of Black Friday sales, festive occasions that can lose their true meaning and software that does not allow upgrades on old devices.   The Earth moves on. 

The art of civillised debate has been hijacked by the quickness of electronic information, polarisation of beliefs and the hyping of divisive noise preferred over the sharing of common values.  The clouds and wind still blow on. 

The world has enough resources, supplies and resilience in bouncing back.  The issues that separate societies and economies arise from uneven and miscontrolled distribution.   They can be knowledge, food or technology.  The Earth moves on. 

The inability to change mindsets, whether personally or in groups, can be the most challenging risk, an impediment to potential growth.   Nations cling on to the modus operandi of what made them great in the past.  Other nations which continue to develop threaten the status quo on the international stage.  Dynamic tensions occur and cause the noise of politics and relationships between key nations.  The Earth keeps on rotating. 

What is meaningful freedom, truthfulness and ability to counter their manipulation, continues to haunt the day to day lives of citizens and the way they are governed.  There can be layers of hidden forces sponsoring and pulling the strings behind governments.  What the powers that rule say in public and actually do behind doors can be so different.  The Earth continues to evolve. 

The integrity and professionalism of several things, each of us truly

respected in awe, when we were growing up, have changed in character.  Everyone of us can sense that some sectors have abandoned the focus on the customer and shifted their loyalties to someone or some where else.  The masses continue to grow. 

The deciduous flora still shed their leaves in winter.   We still hunger for a thing that is repeatedly reminded to us, appealing to our base desires.  I still enjoy the fresh air outdoors, gasping away from the cloud of distractions and delusions being fed to and increasingly recognised by me in a declared pandemic.  Our sensibilities can naturally shut off when we are subject to an endless parody of incredulous displays of wool being pulled over our eyes.  The Earth still moves on. 

The night is still at home.  It can be a pleasure bumping unexpectedly into lovely friends we have missed.  It can be invigorating when strangers pick up a smile or hello in the local village.  We feel the healthy flow of adrenalin after doing our favourite sport.   I have my nose twitching from the welcome earthy aromas from the bark of a sturdy tree up the slope in the neighbourhood.   We get inspiration from the people we love.  And the Earth still moves on. 



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