Questions Remaining re Covid management by Authorities

After around 2 years of Covid, there can be nothing like prevention at first level by face masking, minimising hanging out at places with poor ventilation and exercising more of our personal intelligence and mindfulness.
Vaccinations are at best defensive measures after viral invasions get out of control. They are said to sustain a high level of antibodies in our physical make up to fight Covid.
The world's populations have already worn face masks during the Spanish flu, SARs, plagues etc. Covid vaccinations can still be immature in their development - the rate at which authorities push such vaccinations, even if kosher, can be alarming. Successful vaccinations we take in the past are usually annually taken, not so often within a year.
Emphasis on producing anti viral medicine for Covid seems to be at a lesser pace.
There is also a lack of focus on the usefulness of our memory T cells in our own bodies to naturally fight Covid.
Every excuse can be given by authorities across the world on the varying performance of current Covid vaccinations. These are my observations, but I do not know what stand to take anymore.
China still takes more of an elimination stand against Covid, while at the same time achieving high vaccination rates. Western societies have hyped up the protective powers of vaccinations as the reason for opening up the economy and loosening movement restrictions - and yet cases are significantly spiking again across Europe. India has not achieved the high rates of vaccinations touted as manna by many governments - and yet has not suffered as many infections per capita of population.
Several societies have been told that Covid, in whatever form, Delta strain or other mutants, must now be embraced as endemic - we are encouraged to live with it. Then why are bureaucrats still counting and reporting new daily cases of Covid?
If the common flu is accepted as endemic, we do not get such scrutiny of infection numbers for this viral spread.
Yet intense testing regimes for endemic Covid are carried out on international air travellers - and close contacts of confirmed infectees at exposure sites are required to isolate.
When various types of Covid vaccinations do not deliver what is promised as outcomes, the onus of responsibility is often pushed to the populace - we did not have our booster shots, we have various underlying health conditions, we are vaccine hesitant, new infections are affecting the unvaccinated, etc.
Very rare are the Big Pharmas questioned in mainstream media and by governments about the performance of vaccinations and the viability of their official testing data.


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