Can You Recognise Such a Person?


Which person of prominence, in your observation or knowledge, can you attribute the following behaviour? 1. Never misses a photo opportunity to promote a certain political purpose or impression. 2. Cites higher powers for being chosen to lead to a bigger destiny. 3. Manipulates other sources of power or spins events to fast track a selfish agenda. 4. Has clear ideas on the kind of new social order he wants entrenched. 5. Utilises position to exploit nationalist sentiments in playing politics. 6. Downplays the past record to hide any deficiencies and divert attention for purposes of the present or future. 7. Changes previously strong alliances when convenient or when no longer required for purpose. 8. Utilises extreme marketing approaches to confuse between the nation, the nation's way and what is really his personal way. 9. Resorts to ruthlessness, aggression and trickery on rhe quiet to get to the top of the ladder. 10. Controls the media in reporting to, influencing and fooling the populace - and personally good in stirring up the public. Every one reading this will by now have one or two personalities in mind, but the listed features above were all truly characteristic of Hitler.


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