Too Late, Too Little


15 January 2021 - It is said, in Los Angeles County, California, that a person dies of Covid 19 every eight minutes.

The quality and effectiveness of your political leaders in decision making inevitably affects your life, even if you do everything otherwise possible, especially in an epidemic.

The reality at ground level is at best inconvenience.  Worse are the long term negative effects suffered by Covid 19 survivors, the battered impact on front line and public service workers and the raging number of fatalities as various strains of the latest Coronavirus rampage throughout so many communities.

"Out of control" is being unable to cope with an overstrained health support system, the decimation of prospects and hope, the lingering imposition of uncertainty,   unnecessary Covid leakage opportunities, politicisation prioritised over other requirements and headless chicken reaction when contact tracing is no longer viable.

And yes, mass vaccination and roll out issues may not fulfil all their promises.

When reality is tarred with incompetence, every new day can be more Covid deadly than the day before.



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