Time For A Change

It can be time to change your shower head.
Shower heads, or for that matter, garden hose heads, were initially chosen for a purpose. Once conditions change, let go of the past and move towards the new.   It can be a new design, or you may require a different feel, or the new stuff is just more efficient.

Discover the amazing paw paw baby plant coming out of all the clearing.
The grass may be long and you can unintentionally pull out flora that the weeds have cleverly intertwined themselves with, for protection and symbiosis. Call it a case of collateral damage. Then you see the unmistakable paw paw plant, sturdy and elegant, untouched by this bulldozing of the intruders. How and why did this paw paw come about. Oh yes, you may recall having sprinkled the seeds on a summer's day not long ago, not expecting much but perhaps having a secret desire that some thing may grow somehow. And now the plant is there.

You may never know when you have left a positive impact some how. You never have expectations about this in someone, somewhere. You have forgotten but this other person has not.

How nice when the right size of shovel can remove the debris and unwanted stuff.
Utilise the right tools and approach - and then most things can  fall into place. It may take time or undergoing some lessons to get it just optimal - and then never look back.

Try a substitute and be surprised that it still works, or for the better.
Change a generic product and service and I may find that I may have wool put over my eyes for years. It need not be all bad, for I may instead realise an opportunity of how a good time I have been having all this while.   I emphasise more now on supporting local and independent businesses for my everyday and personal needs - and not to be caught up by the hype of more monopolistic companies.
I love to make substitutions now by selecting new providers in place of those to whom I have  been loyal for so long and they have just taken me for granted.

Make time to replace the toothbrush.
There are things that cannot wait, and I do not mean writing this blog past midnight.  Was it belly size, thinning hair, removing mould, manuring the citrus trees, eating more healthy, going for a run, talking to your neighbours, spending time with your child, keeping in touch with family and more.

Do not over plan, just do it.
Things are best achieved, and most probably progress faster, when I do not over think about it. Or when there are no deadlines but there is instead a passion.  Maybe when my subconscious just takes control and I chip at a brick wall gradually or persistently. Best of all is when I allocate a time, remove all diversions and go for it.  There are things that we can do and fill our unexpected breaks in scheduled tasks.

The best advice I had is from someone who said she cleans the shower glass as well  whilst she is inside cleaning herself.   The worst experience is have someone say I cannot multi-task, when we know we all can!

Let the wind blow away minor things.
I often find discarded wrappers lying hidden under the shrubs and flowering plants in my garden beds. Passer-bys with no civic sense of behaviour do this, expecting others to pick up their mess.
They provide but little irritations, like the weeds that sprout after warm and rainy days. On certain Sundays, my usual delivery of the Sunday Telegraph does not appear.  In the office, the newspapers to my Unit may not arrive on certain days for no reason and I just walk to the bookshop to get them.

I ride with the wind.  It makes me see things in proportion and make me realise there are other things that do matter. It makes me more grateful that important matters are working, like friendship, surviving the traffic risks every day and continuing to enjoy things in life that money cannot buy. I especially value friendships with mates who continue to value me despite discouragement by others and despite the tyranny of distance.  I see this in contrast to the trivialities imposed by the egoism, greed and unplaced pride articulated by others - and it is then easy for me to decide which is trivial and easy to let go, and what is treasured by me.

Make a difference in someone's day.
Today a lovely lady at Bunnings hardware store seemed to pick me out to say a rather enthusiastic hello.  Now cynical me am not sure whether she was doing this as part of her job requirement to engage better with customers, or whether she was genuine to make a difference to my day.  You know - the reason does not matter. The outcome does! 

People can be engrossed in mundane chores, preoccupations and perceptions. A passer-by may be on the verge of saying hello, but is constrained by upbringing, or the reasonable fear that he or she may not get a positive response back, to then proceed to say what is intended. Break the ice and surprise this person.  Okay, they may not respond at all.  Never mind, move on, you may have already made a difference in that other person, no matter how small, no matter how unobserved. Make a baby smile, make an elderly person feel as part of a community. Talk to someone who has to do repetitive chores just to pay the bills. Never take it that I am the most important person at all.

Overturn a pot and relocate stuff from cluttered corners.
Human beings are creatures of habit - and stability. We love to create, commence and begin.  Then, whether it is an idea, a system, an arrangement or a piece of furniture, we relish in this being there, day after day, month after month, year after year.  It can be refreshing to occasionally review, revise and update.  Have fun asking yourself, why not?  I am normally first surprised by the amount of metaphorical cobwebs I find in my assurance and risk management work, and yet when I get home and for my own personal life, I plead guilty of not overturning the mental and physical blocks after hours.

When I get to break free of assumed things set with an advantage long ago, but no longer beneficial, I move into another dimension of fully enjoying new things and a new freedom.  Time to change my shower head!


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