Highlights of the Year

Maybe I over think of what can be improved, or what needs to be done going ahead, that I unfairly forget about the existing good things in my life, especially for the past year.

The annual medical test taken bravely after a weekend of feasting for Christmas had a good outcome. Interest rates had come down in recent months at almost the same pace as banks had raised it earlier without care for their customers. I have a vibrant team synergy at work. I enjoy responding to the challenges thrown at me in surprising contexts from a few smiling hyena types who snarl only behind my back.

The car had not given problems, except for some unexplained sounds, and I thought I was winning the war against garden weeds. More rain had fallen in an apparent break of the drought where I reside. The views of the neighbouring hills, either with a clear blue sky or topped by cloud and fog, continue to provide inspiring vistas when I come out of my front door, and I can feel the ocean breeze from where the sun rises. I can zip up to a capital city for diversions and maintain friendships, whilst coming home under moonlight on the same day.

I had grown in more than just acquaintance in knowing especially two new persons better, individuals with whom I found an inner calm and stability in interacting with and who joined me on the journey of an unfolding understanding. At the same time, I found delightful refuge in reinforcing relationships with friends and relatives who were always there for me from the beginning, whether residing locally or overseas. I feel privileged to be able to communicate - whether through simple emails or periodic phone conversations - with people important to me, far and near. I continued to feel the intensity and joy in cooking therapy. I rediscovered quality yogurt, found I could rely on certain people and was able to let go of garbage finally.

I paced up my personal travel, besides being caught up in round circuit trips between Sydney and the South Coast. I relished my return to New Zealand, fully taking in the special air and light that so I am attuned with. It was just so reassuring to see how my eldest niece had settled so well there with her network of friends. Then there were visits to my turf by people I have not seen for a long time, or catch up with on less occasions than I prefer, or by new friends. Such reunions gave unexpected joy and exchange of experiences to me.

I took significant oaths and relished my routines. I found less pleasure in just running around for the sake of it and treasured personal moments at home. I sensed the coming of change in America and Australia. Various people came into my life and showed me new windows.


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