Be AWARE in Our Personal Time Management

After years of available time to practice, I am no master of this, the delicate art of time management.

Do I have a structured plan to do things as it should be? Not all the time. Do I actually finish off the more important things in a typical work day filled with must-dos, look-forward-to-dos and hijacked energy-draining diversions from people who do not care for me? Maybe. Do I feel totally satisfied by day's end that I have achieved what I set out for earlier at dawn - remember all that stuff about "tomorrow is another day" and a fresh start? Nope.

Effective time management to me is the result of a confluence of several things - attitude, emotional intelligence, planning, navigation and persistence to want to achieve mitigating the most risky items in the midst of environmental limitations, undue influence and how other human beings treat you. I still ride this journey of time management, and if I allow myself to experiment, observe and learn, I enjoy how to apply better aspects of it to different important stages and phases of my life.

My current views on this journey are to be AWARE of:

Anticipating my goals, small or big, and ensuring I plan, allocate and ensure good payback in utilisation of my time;

Weeding out spending time with things and people who bring me backward instead of encouraging me forward, and I never say that I am too busy to individuals whom I care about and enjoy being with;

Admitting to my inexplicable observation that with all the better ease in physical mobility, automated equipment operation and better ease of communication, I find myself with less time than I would like with the people I love and for the things I enjoy doing;

Reflecting on the magical moments, useful outcomes and unexpected positive experiences over the days recently gone by; and

Executing use of my time going forward with a flexible attitude when required, for I never under-estimate the value of chilling out and occasionally having the sensation of doing nothing with a close mate and letting the rain outside fall down in harmony with Nature.


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