The wheels of change keep on turning, even for simple routines in daily life.
There is no longer the past pleasure of visiting newsagents in Australia. The quality and variety of print has reduced, with persistant rise in prices. Such outlets still arw shelves for stationary - although they still sell greeting cards, that again is a shrinking industry. Many newsagents now serve Australia Post functions in banking services. Many customers tend to be older and visit the newsagent for lotto purchases and claims.
Newsagents can now be flooded with souvenirs and be collecting centres for dry cleaning.
Supermarkets sell insurance on site or online. Their aisles are domimated by processed food with a common emphasis on high sugar, salt and preservative levels - and there are those confusing stickers on prices. They are coralling us to self checkouts while not fully believing our integrity to do the right thing to properly pay. We provide the revenue for their executives and shareholders - and yet are disrespected and mistrusted.
Who watches television any more?
Owners of such media fill up their propanganda and agenda to bombard our minds and sensitivities, instead of providing us with more balanced menus.
The alternatives can be no better. Advertisements illustrate the reality that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Streaming services force us to
lap up commercials - and even the creativity of ads has gone down in standards.
Politics in any society these days can reek of the dearth in leadership, uniqueness and care for the public. It is obvious a lot of taxpayer funds are used for more selfish purposes than for what ideal principles call for. Parliamentarians reveal more of their streaks in self preservation, self entitlement and egoistic drives. The use of increased political labels confuses the ordinary voter of what each political party stands for. Politics can be hijacked by powerful foreign agents to serve overseas demands rather than to have governments "by the people, for the people and through the people".
Political correctness in various forms can also be manipulated by niche groups to reinforce emotion, support and wins for themselves, rather than for the general good of society. Individuals and groups who are most vocal can shout down the other viable needs of others. Those who choose to remain silent or not participate can truly lose out. The so called democratic way of politics can be hijacked by non democratic forces. The system of majority decisions to enforce questionable measures for a country assumes that every voter is informed, intelligent and rational - when the reality is not.
Corporate and institutional misbehaviour is not sufficiently punished. Deterrants are miniscule in personal or financial implications for breachers, offenders and recalcitrants, when compared to the illegal rewards. Compliance policies and standards are increasingly meant for show and not implementation. Offenders know that in practice their existence is dependent only on a narrow band of key support - and they can really point their nose to the rest.
There definitely has been a spike in our expectations. Food, products and other consumables are delivered so fast. We no longer pour over traditional sources of knowledge or research but tend to rely on software, AI and digital systems to add to our personal knowledge. There is a corresponding loss in the value of patience.
As the population increases, supply and logistics crumble under reinforced demands for services in many areas.
Where aging infrastructure has not been improved, renewed or rebuilt, weak points develop but often ignored or denied by the authorities.
Thank goodness, Nature still assures us in the cycle of growth, bloom and renewal. Most dogs have not changed their personalities and penchant to connect positively with our human needs. When there is rain, sunshine will follow. Colours still appear in hues and intensity wgen day changes to night - and vice versa.
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