

When I had an unexpected electrical supply cut:

I did not have wifi to phone the related electricity wholesale supplier for help.

It was single digit temperatures outside during a winter night, so I learnt to appreciate when I could easily keep warm inside by the flick of a switch.

I could not boil kettle water to make a hot drink for comfort - nor cook on the stove top.

I had to depend on battery powered devices to shine a light in the dark.

I had to just read a good book beside a solar garden light, as my electronic interface devices had run out of power - and there was no electricity to recharge the power banks.

I had to take a cold shower and could not do the laundry.

I could not open automatically operated doors, windows or gates.

What do they always say, "Never put all your eggs in one place".

You can still rely on your separate and independent sources of power, away from the commercial grid, if you have them.  As the population grows, as supply chains get disrupted, as the number of suppliers are fewer and more events outside our influence and control arise,  it is more important than ever to update our personal and collective risks.

Do we have a back up choice if petrol prices hit the roof at the bowser?  EVs still require us to use electrical power, the critical question is from.which source do we generate the electric power for such vehicles.

Gas may cause breathing health issues indoors if not used properly, but can be a back up to electricity for hot water and cooking requirements. 

Looking further beyond to diversify your business or personal needs, do you depend on only a single provider for most of your needs? Remember several retail providers, whether in insurance, tourism, telecommunications, food supply, construction or utilities, can be owned by the same parent company - and if the latter collapses, we can find ourselves with the carpet being pulled under.

Large businesses around the world tend to be vertically integrated, owning different parts of the chain of sourcing, production, logistics and sales - so if your business is dependent on such scenarios, do prepare for back ups, not just in supply, transport and parts, but also in the higher risks of being pressured in pricing dynamics.

Review your dependencies, whether in over relying on a small range of markets, customers, suppliers, revenue options, sales channels or only a few large players that can make or break your choices.



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