Passing Thoughts

We replace one habit with another, thinking we have truly changed.

We feed our passion to possibly become an obsession.

We can overuse a specific one of our five primary human senses, possibly to the exclusion or impairment of the others.

We can trap our selves in routine, happy with its familiar structure, to the extent that we become less willing to try anything else.

We love a daily purpose, no matter how simple or complex it is. 

We often find someone trying to sell us something. It is with a surprising delight when we have an unexpected encounter - a smile, an encouraging chat or a nice gesture - with no hidden agenda.

We can identify double speak and insincerity, but can be forced to deal with them even if we are just minding our own business.

We have to increasingly manage the garbage we generate ourselves or unfortunately encounter in daily life, be they in material waste, misunderstood reputation or unfair experiences.

We take comfort when we are given unconditional love, earned or not.

We receive inner joy in the big stuff we do nothing to deserve - Nature, the beauty of each new day, the love from a pet and the turn of the seasons.

Life can be stranger than fiction, but creativity and imagination can be stronger and more rewarding than expected.

The rewards of companionship can be littered with patience, a fixation and much humour.

The conversation can surpass the culinary, but the culinary settles better in the stomach.


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