
Showing posts from September, 2021

Islands In the Stream

Three islands of varying sizes have found themselves geographically located next to influential next door neighbours. TASMANIA Tasmania, so near the Antarctic, compared to most other lands, stands out as the pristine ecological opportunity to still seriously take care of, despite the march of economic explotation, hydro water engineering, mining and cutting down of its quality forests. Its socio-political fate is significantly linked to mainland Australia across the Bass Straits. With a relatively less dense population compared to even New Zealand's North and South Islands, its First Peoples of Lutuwrita met head on big time with different civilisations four hundred years ago. It still relies on tourism monies, now cut off because of the borders closed as a keymeasure to manage a Coronavirus we seem to not fully understand and able to control. Tasmania's other virtues, however, cannot be over looked apart from use of the land and surrounding seas. The adv...